Tuesday 15 February 2011

Heartless (2009)

The darker it gets the more you see.

Like a British Donnie Darko - a psychological horror film where the reliability of the protagonist's POV is questionable. How much of what happens is a projection of the protagonist's imaginings and how much is objectively true?

A good true psychological horror story emerging from the protagonist's curiosity about the activities of hooded youth gangs with horrible masked (or not masked?) faces.

Interesting parallel between the reason the protagonist hides his face beneath a hood when out in public, to hide a prominent birthmark, and the reasons young hoodies choose to hide their faces.

Another theme is the question of evil: is evil consuming the world? What leads people to commit evil acts? Is intrinsic internal goodness sufficient defence against temptation?

Along the way, there are some events that stretch credibility somewhat, that we can choose to go with or not, to suspend our disbelief. But overall, the story evolves in a reasonably psychologically credible way.

This means that there's a lot of suspense, and fewer outright thrills, but that's preferable.

The performance by Sturgess is excellent, presenting a shy, inherently good and pure young man.

Posted using Blogo from my MacBook Pro

Amendments: Removed link to Wikipedia-sourced image. Added ranking image.

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